According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air quality refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures as it relates to the health and comfort of its occupants. Indoor air quality is affected by temperature, humidity, ventilation, and chemical or biological contaminants found within the building. The quality of the air we breathe, indoors and outdoors, has a direct effect on our health and comfort. You may notice some of the more prominent side effects of indoor air pollution, like an unpleasant odor, but many others go undetected until it's too late.
Improving the indoor air quality of your York, SC home improves your health, your comfort, and will extend the life of your heating and air conditioning system. Yes, the efficiency and effectiveness of your heating and cooling equipment matters, but your indoor air quality is also extremely important when it comes to your health and longevity. Good indoor air quality can even help improve the efficiency of your HVAC system.
Improve your indoor air quality and breathe easier with help from the Pruett's Heating & Air team. We offer indoor air quality testing and indoor air quality improvement services designed to meet the needs of York, SC home and business owners. Our professional technicians can help you find the perfect solution for your home or businesses indoor air quality issues! Call us today to learn more about our IAQ solutions.
We offer a wide range of heating and air conditioning services to bring you, your family, and your York, SC home the comfort it deserves. From furnace repairs to AC installations, the Pruett's Heating & Air team can do it all.
Improved IAQ means you have less airborne irritants floating throughout your York, SC home. This results in easier breathing.
Easier breathing means you'll have an easier time sleeping and you will get even better sleep thanks to our IAQ solutions.
Improving your homes IAQ also helps improve your homes airflow. When you have proper airflow, your HVAC system can work efficiently which results in reduced energy usage.
IAQ solutions will help reduce the amount of allergens and irritants throughout your York, SC home and/or business.
IAQ solutions help to reduce mold and mildew throughout your home which can cause unpleasant odors.
With improved sleeping, breathing, less allergy irritations and more, you will notice an increase in overall comfort in your York, SC home thanks to an improved IAQ.